LoL Patch 13.12 Breakdown
Lucian and Zeri are receiving changes to their passive abilities, while the rest of the bot lane meta gets nerfed on LoL patch 13.12.

LoL patch 13.12 is quite a big one. And it’s mainly focused on shaking up the stagnant meta in professional play. People have had enough watching the same 35 champions for 12 months. Let’s see how big of an impact can this developer update make.
LoL Patch 13.12 Champion Buffs
Making Navori Quickblades LoL a mythic item hurt Gangplank LoL more than anyone could anticipate. That’s why Riot Games is lowering the flat cooldown on his Barrels E ability. It goes from 18 seconds flat to 18/17/16/15/14 seconds depending on rank.
Nasus LoL has been struggling against the top lane meta champions, even in lower ranks where he usually dominates. The lifesteal on his passive has been increased from 9/14/19% to 11/16/21% every time he levels up his ultimate ability. This should give him a bit more sustain agains the tanks. The cooldown on his ultimate ability has also been lowered from 120 seconds flat at all ranks to 120/100/80 seconds. This should make late game Nasus even more scary.
LoL Patch 13.12 ADC Champion Buffs
Ashe has been pretty underwhelming after the LoL patch 13.10 changes. Nearly all ADC items weren changed and Ashe LoL lost a significant amount of power. That’s why the AP scalings on her ultimate ability are going up from 100% to 120%. This is a great buff to Echoes of Helia Ashe support builds. But Riot Games removed the interaction between Echoes of Helia and Font of Life on this patch, so that build is basically useless. Her W ability is also receiving a 10 flat damage buff at all ranks. This is on top of the buff to her passive, making Ashe auto attacks do 120% bonus damage instead of 115%.
PSA: In patch 13.12 we've disabled the interaction between Echoes of Helia and Font of Life. Moving forward, Font of Life will no longer proc Echoes of Helia.
— League of Legends Dev Team (@LoLDev) June 14, 2023
Sivir is also struggling in the bot lane so Riot Games are making adjustmtns. Her attack damage growth has been lowered from 2.8 to 2.5 per level. But as compensation, her signature W ability will receive a 5% damage increase at all ranks.
Kai’sa attack damage growth per level has been increased from 2 to 2,6. This is so she can get her Q evolve at level 9 with with Stormrazor, Pickaxe, Doran’s Blade, and 1 Adaptive instead of having to wait until level 11.
LoL Patch 13.12 Mid-Lane Champion Buffs
Orianna LoL has been absent from the mid lane. Both in ranked solo queue and competitive play. Riot Games are buffing the damage on her signature ultimate ability Shockwave in hopes to reverse this trend. It’s going from 250/350/450 (+90% AP) to 250/400/550 (+95% AP).
Oh also Ryze trolled so hard this moment lol
— Jade (@iiiamJadeson) June 9, 2023
Another champion falling in the same category is Ryze LoL. His E ability will now have a faster missile speed as well as 5% more AP scalings. The big difference maker here is the buff to his passive ability. His passive gives him more mana for every 100 points of ability power and his abilities scale both of ability power and total mana. So having his passive go from 6% bonus mana per 100 AP to 10% per 100 AP, means he will do 45% more damage. Mana and ability power is all you need on Ryze to be a one shot machine.
LoL Patch 13.12 Champion Nerfs
Gragas LoL has been showing up in 3 roles in competitive play way too often. That’s why Riot Games is increasing the cooldown on his passive from 8 to 12 seconds. But they don’t to completely remove him from the meta. That’s why the mana cost on his Q ability is going from 80 at all ranks to 80/75/70/65/60.
K’sante LoL continues to be one of the worst LoL champions in ranked solo queues. But his presence in competitive play is infuriating professional players beyond belief. The cooldown on his E ability is getting increased. Going from 9-7 seconds to 10,5-8,5.

With Rageblade LoL becoming a mythic item, Kog’maw LoL is breaking the charts. The bonus magic damage on his W ability that does a percentage of the targets maximum health has been lowered by 0,5 at all ranks.
Kha’zix LoL has been loving the LoL patch 13.10 lethality changes. Even the LoL patch 13.11 Duskblade adjustments suit him well. That’s why Riot Games is lowering his base attack damage from 63 to 60 on this patch.
LoL Patch 13.12 Support Champion Nerfs
Lulu falls in the same breath. She has been helping Jinx LoL and Aphelios LoL be massive hyper carries in competitive play while being really weak in ranked play. Since most of it boils down to her laning phase being so oppressive in the hands of skilled players, Riot Games are making changes. Lulu LoL base armor is going down from 29 to 26. Her passive is losing some damage, going from 15-117 to 9-111 depending on level. But as compensation, her E ability will now shield 5-25 more damage depending on rank.

Milio has been the best support champion in the game since his release. Riot Games believe that passive that empowers ADC is what makes Milio LoL so strong. That’s why they are lowering the scaling on it. Going from 15%-35% AD based on ally’s level to 15% AD. His early game is also becoming a lot less safer. His base armor is getting reduced from 28 to 26. At the same time, his Armor Growth per level is going down from 4.9 to 4.6.
LoL Patch 13.12 Massive Yuumi Nerfs
Yuumi is another support LoL champion dominating the bot lane meta in competitive play. We got a break from seeing her at LoL Esports MSI 2023, but now that’s over. She has been back to being Zeri’s backpack that gives a lot of value. The 10-20% Heal and Shield Power her W ability permanently gave based on ally level is being nerfed. It will now be 5/7.5/10/12.5/15% based on spell rank, meaning you would have to invest skill points to access that sustain.
.@MonteCristo REACTS to the long awaited YUUMI NERFS!!!
— Last Free Nation (@LastFreeNation) January 24, 2023
The shield value on her E ability is going down from 90/120/150/180/210 (+30% AP) to 80/105/130/155/180 (+ 30% AP). The attack speed buff on it is also getting reduced. Going from 35% (+8% per 100 AP) at all ranks to 25/27.5/30/32.5/35% (+ 8% per 100 AP). Her ultimate ability will now also heal from less health per wave. Goiing from 35/50/65 (+15% AP) to 25/40/55 (+ 15% AP).
LoL Patch 13.12 Zeri Passive Rework
Zeri is another example of Riot Games designing a champion that continues to break competitive play until they strip it of everything that made it special. Zeri has been changed more than 20 times in these 2 years of her being released, and it probably wont end here. The passive where Zeri steals 45% of the shields she damages and gains 10% movement speed for 2 seconds whenever she receives a shield has been removed. Instead she will now have the Q spell passive as her main passive.
For every 40 units passed, Zeri gains one charge on her passive up to 100. When at 100 charges Zeri’s next attack is empowered to consume all charge to deal 90 − 200 (based on level) (+ 110% AP) (+ 1% − 15% (based on level) of target’s maximum health) magic damage.

Riot Games also didnt like how Zeri LoL can be so mobile by design, and build so many tanky items. Before LoL patch 13.10, she has Immortal Shieldbow LoL, Bloodthirster LoL, Overheal LoL and the usual enchanter shield supports. Now those items are replaced with the buffed Trinity Force LoL, Titanic Hydra LoL and Shieldbow with the same supports. To combat this build, Zeri Q ability will now proc the Sheen Spellblade effect any more. The maximum On-Hit Critical Strike Multiplier on her E ability has been increased from 65% to 85%.
LoL Patch 13.12 Lucian Passive Rework
The competitive League of Legends scene has been living in a Lucian meta for more than a year. The changes to his passive that added bonus damage to his auto attacks if healed or shielded put him over the top. His interaction with Nami has been nerfed countless times. But now he’s doing similar things with Milio LoL and Yuumi LoL. To offset this unproportional disparity of enchanter support champions with Lucian, Riot Games are making changes.

They are lowering the damage on his passive by 5 flat damage and 5% of his AD scaling. But to compensate, they are making so it now applies to immobilizing effects. Meaning, you can now play Lucian LoL with engage supports like Leona LoL and still activate his passive.
LoL Patch 13.12 Rumble Update
Rumble is one of the oldest champions in League of Legends. Historically, he’s always been a top lane pick with two purposes. Stomp his opponents and hit game winning ultiamtes in team fights. Ever since the item rework in season 10, Rumble has been having a hard time doing that. Most of the Rumble play happens in high elo, so these changes are intended to make Rumble a more reliable top laner for all ranks.
His base stats and early game power are going down. As compensation, he now gets more health and more damage based on opponenets maximum health and the game goes on. He also has health scalings on his W Shield and a larger passive to play around with.
- Base Health: 659 ⇒ 625
- Health Growth: 99 ⇒ 105
- Base Health Regeneration: 8 ⇒ 7
- Maximum Heat: 100 ⇒ 150
- Danger Zone: 50+ (Note: Unchanged)
- Overheat Monster Damage Cap: 80 ⇒ 65-150 (based on level)
- Overheat Attack Speed: 20-80% (based on level) ⇒ 50-130% (based on level)
- Overheat Duration: 5.25 seconds ⇒ 4 seconds

- Magic Damage: 180/220/260/300/340 (+110% AP) ⇒ 135/150/165/180/195 (+6/7/8/9/10% of target maximum health) (+110% AP)
- Minion Damage Modifier: 60/65/70/75/80% ⇒ 55/60/65/70/75%
- NEWMonster Cap on Percent Health Damage: 65-300 (based on level)
- Shield Value: 60/90/120/150/180 (+45% AP) ⇒ 25/55/85/115/145 (+4% of maximum health) (+25% AP)
- Heat Generated: 10 ⇒ 20
- Cooldown: 100/85/70 seconds ⇒ 130/105/80 seconds
LoL Patch 13.12 Item Nerfs
The LoL patch 13.10 support item changes made Ardent Censer the best item in the role. Echoes of Helia might be fun to use, but Ardent Censer straight up wins game in 10 minutes. Riot Games is lowering the On-Hit Damage it gives to empowered allies from 15-30 based on level to 15 at all ranks.
Bloodthirster is having its cost increased from 3200 to 3400. This should gate keep it’s powerful passive away from crit ADC champions who like it so much. Galeforce has been in the same boat, giving way too much damage with it’s active. The item is losing 5 attack damage and its active damage will now scale off 45% bonus AD, not 200% crit chance.
Not only does the new version of Imperial Mandate give 55 AP for 2200 gold, but it’s passive also does a fair bit of damage. This has made it the default choice for every support champion, with some even skipping their mythic choice for it. Everything about the passive mark is getting reduced, except for the cooldown which stayed the same.
- Coordinated Fire Application: 35-75 (Level 1-18) ⇒ 40-60 (Level 8-18)
- Coordinated Fire Proc: 70-150 (Level 1-18) ⇒ 80-120 (Level 8-18)
- Coordinated Fire Movement Speed Bonus: 20% ⇒ 25%
LoL Patch 13.12 Item Buffs
Immortal Shieldbow has been nearly useless after being converted to a legendary item. Riot Games are increasing the lifesteal the item gives from 7 to 10%. Phantom Dancer will have it’s attack speed increased from 30% to 35%.
Moonstone Renewer has been underwhelming on every support champion not named Soraka. That’s why Riot Games are tweaking how it functions to make it more viable.
- Heal: 20-40% (based on ally’s level 1-18) ⇒ 35%
- Shield: 30-40% (based on ally’s level 1-18) ⇒ 40%
- Same Target Heal Bonus: 15-30% (based on ally’s level 1-18) ⇒ 25%
- Same Target Shield bonus: 20-30% (based on ally’s level 1-18) ⇒ 30%
- Mythic Passive: 5 Ability Haste ⇒ 5 Heal and Shield Power
Stattik Shiv is receiving 20 flat damage on its passive in the early game but losing 10 flat damage on it at level 18. The Energized passive on Rapidfire Cannon has also been reduced. Going from 60-140 to a flat 60 at all levels.