LoL Patch 13.10 ADC Item and Champion Changes
LoL Patch 13.10 brings a lot of changes to the ADC and support roles, revamping all LoL tier lists and meta.

League of Legends is a dynamic game and the LoL patch notes are how Riot Games balances it out. With so many adjustments announced for Lol patch 13.10, it’s no wonder the entire community is wondering when does patch 13.10 come out. According to the official Riot Games support site for League of Legends, which contains the LoL patch schedule, LoL patch 13.10 release date will be Wednesday, May 17, 2023. The entire midseason item rework is already live on the LoL PBE server, and we have collected data from the PBE LoL patch 13.10 notes, to review all of the ADC item and champion changes coming to Summoners Rift.
LoL Patch 13.10 ADC Item Changes
Infinity Edge LoL is now a LoL Mythic item for ADC champions. Everything about the item stays the same, except it will now give 35% critical chance instead of 20%. The Mythic passive on Infinity Edge will give 5 bonus attack damage for each Legendary item purchased.
Navori Quickblades LoL will also be a LoL Mythic item for ADC champions. Both items will no longer serve the role of crit modifiers. Everything about the item is staying the same, you just won’t need 40% critical chance for it to reduce your cooldown. The mythic passive on Navori Quickblades will now give 5 ability haste for each legendary item purchased.
— Spideraxe (@Spideraxe30) May 2, 2023
Galeforce LoL is the only Mythic item for ADCs to stay put. But it too is undergoing major changes. It will be built out of a BF Sword, a Pickaxe, and a long sword. The price is staying the same, but the item will now have 55 AD instead of 60. It will also lose 5% attack speed, going from 20% to 15, but it will be compensated by granting 7% movement speed. The damage on the dash active has been increased and since it now scales with critical chance, it can be quite the weapon come late game.
LoL Patch Notes 13.10 make Rageblade Mythic item
Rageblade LoL is becoming a Mythic Item for ADC champions in season 13. Both the item and its main component, Rageknife LoL are undergoing major changes. Rageknife will still give 25% attack speed and build out of 2 Daggers but the total cost has been increased from 800 to 1200 gold. That’s due to it having a new passive on top of the current one being reworked. The new Rageknife will now give 20 bonus magic on-hit damage with each auto attack. At the same time, these basic attacks will grant a 5% bonus attack speed per stack, stacking up to 3 times for a total of 15% bonus attack speed.
With the reworked Rageknife in play, Rageblade is going to look and function a lot differently after lol patch 13.10. The total price is going up from 2600 to 3200. That’s because Rageblade is now a Mythic item that has a new build path. It will now give you 30 ability power, 30 attack damage, and 25% attack speed. The upgraded Wrath passive will deal 30 magic damage with each auto attack, and that damage will be increased by 2 for every 1 % of critical chance, adding up to a maximum of 200.
— Spideraxe (@Spideraxe30) May 2, 2023
The second passive on the fully completed Rageblade LoL will also give a 32% attack speed increase at 4 stacks, with each basic attack granting a stack. After reaching 4 stacks, the next two auto attacks will trigger a phantom hit. This means that for every 6 auto attacks you do, the game will register 7. That Phanrom hit will apply all effects and do 100% of the total damage. The Mythic passive on the reworked Rageblade grants 5% armor penetration and 6% magic penetration for each Legendary item purchased.
Statikk Shiv returns to League of Legends in LoL Patch 13.10
Statikk Shiv LoL is coming back to League of Legends. Just like Rod of Ages and Spear of Shojin, Riot Games are reintroducing this old item in season 13. It will be built out of a Noonquiver component, a Cloak of Agility, and a Kircheis Shard. The season 13 version of LoL Statikk Shiv will give 45 Attack Damage, 25% Attack Speed and 20% Critical Chance. Moving and auto-attacking will generate up to 100 Energized stacks. At that point, the user’s next auto attack will deal 60 to 170 damage, which is doubled against minions. This Energized attack will also bounce between 6,9 and 12 targets depending on the user’s level.
— Spideraxe (@Spideraxe30) May 2, 2023
Stormrazor LoL has been one of the least popular LoL items for quite a while. One could argue that the Mythic item update removed a lot of the item diversity it was planning to integrate. With it, champions that made good use of it now had to resort to other options. That’s why Riot Games is now replacing the B. F. Sword in its build path with the Noonquiever component. LoL Stormrazor will now give 55 attack damage instead of the previous 45. But the big change is to its Bolt passive. Instead of slowing the target by 75% for 0,5 seconds and doing 140 flat magic damage, Stormrazor will now grant 45% bonus movement speed for 1 second.
The new VFX for Statikk Shiv
— Spideraxe (@Spideraxe30) May 3, 2023
Kraken Slayer and Immortal Shieldbow are Legendary LoL items on LoL 13.10
Kraken Slayer LoL won’t be a Mythic item anymore. This new legendary item is having the Pickaxe in its build path replaced by a Recursive Bow. That’s why the total price is being decreased from 3400 to 300 gold. Instead of doing true damage, LoL Kraken Slayer will now do magic on-hit damage on every third auto attack. And if 6 consecutive auto attacks land on the same target, which means the passive is triggered twice on the same target, the bonus damage will be doubled.
Immortal Shieldbow LoL also won’t be a Mythic item moving forward. The Noonquiver LoL is being replaced by a Pickaxe in the build path, and this new legendary item for ADC champions will now cost 3000 gold instead of 3400. The passive and the stats remain mostly the same, but the shield will be smaller. When the Lifeline passive will get triggered, it will grant the user a 30% bonus attack speed instead of attack damage.
— Spideraxe (@Spideraxe30) May 2, 2023
Bloodthirster LoL will no longer make ADC champion drain tanks. The lifesteal on the item has been increased from 15 to 18%, but the shield passive has been removed. Instead, it will now give 10 to 40 bonus attack damage if the user is above 50% health. That is like having the Absolute Focus rune on an item, with which Draven mains can be very happy.
The bonus damage the passive on Lord Dominik’s Regards deals based on the target’s bonus health will now be converted to magic damage. Heartbound Axe will now cost 800 instead of 1000 gold, but it will also give 10 attack damage instead of 15.
LoL ADC Item Component changes in LoL Patch 13.10
The Zeal component present in most ADC items that give attack speed has been nerfed. The component will no longer have a passive that gives a 7% bonus movement speed. Instead, the item will now give 3% movement speed and 15% attack speed. This is down from the previous 18%. Kircheis Shard will now be built out of a Long Sword, not a Dagger. That’s why it will now give 15 attack damage and not 15% attack speed.
The Recursive Bow LoL component is having its build path changed and its price decreased accordingly. The component will now be built out of one Dagger rather than two and will cost 700 gold in total rather than 1000. To compensate, this component will now give 15% attack speed instead of 25%, but the 15 bonus on-hit damage on its passive has now been converted to magic damage. Maybe on-hit Neeko is bound to come back.
— Spideraxe (@Spideraxe30) May 2, 2023
Phantom Dancer LoL is having its price increased from 2600 to 2800. But the item will only gain 5% more attack speed than the current version, and that is mostly because its build path has been changed to include a Heartbound Axe. Mortal Reminder is also going from 35 AD to 40. Mercurial Scimitar will now give 50 magic resist instead of the previous 40.
Rapidfire Cannon LoL is another LoL item that uses the Energized passive. Since the entire lane and both ADC and support roles are getting overhauls, it was time this item got some love. LoL Rapidfire Cannon is going from 35% attack to just 15%, but the item will now give 30 Attack Damage. Both passive abilities on the item are staying pretty much the same apart from the bonus damage being converted to magic damage.
— Spideraxe (@Spideraxe30) May 2, 2023
LoL ADC Champion changes in LoL Patch 13.10
The damage on Vayne’s signature Q spell called Tumble will now scale with 50% of her total ability power. Kalista’s E ability called Rend will now do 20% more damage scaling with her total ability. Additionally, each subsequent spear will do the same and the slow on the ability will scale with 5% of total AP. Kindred is also receiving some AP scalings. The damage on her W ability will also be increased by 20% of her total ability power. At the same time, her E ability slow will be stronger by 5% of her total AP. The bonus damage on Akshan’s 3 hit passive will now scale with 60% of his total AP.
— Spideraxe (@Spideraxe30) May 2, 2023
The Collector LoL is also receiving some love, having its lethality increased from 12 to 18. Runnan’s Hurricane will now be built out of a Recursive Bow and a Zeal. This means that the item is losing 5% attack speed, but it’s also having its cost increased to 2800 gold instead of the previous 2600. The big change here is that the bolts on its passive will now deal 50% of total AD as damage, as opposed to the 40% it currently does on live servers.