League of Legends patch 12.23 changes

We are two weeks into preseason 13 and all hell is breaking loose. Patch 12,23 aims to fix some of those issues.

By Stole Kostov Published on November 30, 2022 Patch 12.23
League of Legends patch 12.23 changes

The changes patch 12,23 is going to bring are hitting live servers as we speak. This one is pretty chunky, with a lot of things to unravel. By Riot’s logic, tanks are in a need of buffs and Heartsteel is getting nerfed only on ARAM. On the flip side, all three junglers we recommended in our preseason jungle meta guide, are getting nerfed. It seems we hit the nail on its head with that one.

Patch 12 23 champion nerfs

Well Riot just couldn’t afford to let us have some free elo this preseason. Just days after our preseason jungle guide was published, the champions in it are getting nerfed. Mordekaiser’s passive now only procs on big jungle monsters, instead of all. The red and blue buffs, drakes, heralds, and baron are on that short list. His passive also does less damage and scales, instead of the previous 180 flat at all ranks.  Shyvana’s E ability now does 3% of the target’s maximum health as additional on-hit damage, down from the previous 3,5%.  Meanwhile, Trundle is receiving a nerf on his base attack speed, and his ultimate ability will now do less damage to targets. Previously it used to do up to 35% of their maximum health, which is now down to 30%

But Riot didn’t just nerf our recommended champions in the preseason jungle meta guide. Syndra, who was our main pick in the mid-lane meta guide, also got a slap on the wrist. Her W and E abilities are now going to do less damage, with 3 to 10% lowered AP ratios. Her E ability is also getting a two-second cooldown nerf, making her more vulnerable. 

On the flip side, Yuumi has been beyond broken and torturing souls for the previous 6 months. After the World Championship ended, Riot are finally bringing her a step down. Her passive now has a longer cooldown by 4 seconds, and her ultimate ability will now root for 0,5 seconds less.

Lilia somehow managed to get on the nerf list as well, with her Q ability now doing 30 less damage at maximum rank. 

Patch 12 23 item and jungle changes

With the recent jungle changes, the gromp and razorbeaks in the jungle lost 25 and 100 of their attack range. Alongside those changes, the leash indicators for almost all jungle monsters has been extended, to allow for better kiting of the camps. The green jungle item Mosstomper, which we recommended in our preseason jungle meta guide, is also getting nerfed and losing 1,5 of the tenacity duration. Plenty more jungle changes have been added regarding the camps and how your pet consumes the treat. 

Patch 12 23 champion buffs

Somehow, a lot of tanks found themselves on Riot’s buff list for patch 12 23. But another entry from our mid lane meta guide is also here for adjustments. Kassadin is receiving adjustments that seem like straight-up buffs, and will definitely push him up our tier lists. 

Kassadin changes

His Q ability will now give him the magic damage shield immediately after casting, not after the animation is done. This should help him dodge abilities more reliably. The shield is also bigger by 20 points on each rank, going from 60-180 to 80-200. 

But his E ability is receiving even bigger changes, and removing one of the last Dota like abilities in League. His E, which previously required 5 nearby spell casts to charge up, now has a flat cooldown. But more importantly, nearby spell casts now reduce the existing cooldown by 1 second. In theory, the cooldown on his E ability now goes from 21 to 13 seconds at max rank.  

Mundo changes

On the other hand, Mundo is receiving more in depth changes aimed at making him a jungler and a better champion late game. His base stats and passive all took a noticeable hit so the rest of his kit could thrive. His w and ultimate ability giving him more damage works benefits his damage output in the late game, while his E ability now does 250% damage to jungle monsters. 

Tank changes patch 12 23

On the new patch, Sion will have a bigger base mana pool and more mana per level. His Q ability also does more flat damage per level. Cho’gath is also getting more mana back on his passive. His W ability, which is the silence, now also does 25 more damage on every rank. His ultimate ability is also having its cooldown reduced by 10 seconds at every rank. Amumu is also another tank receiving changes on his numbers. His Q ability will now cost more mana but his E ability will do more damage.

Maokai is also getting damage number buffs across the board, making him a better jungler and laner. His passive will now heal him for a larger amount, his Q ability will do more flat damage overall and more damage to jungle monsters.  Zac’s Q ability will have a lower cooldown by one second at every rank, and his passive will heal him for more health, depending on his ultimate ability. In the latest patch notes, Malphite is also receiving more damage and armor on his W and Q abilities. 

Tahm Kench 12 23 buffs

Get ready for Tahm Kench building ability power, following the release of these patch notes. For some reason, Riot are making AP Bruiser Kench viable. His passive will now do more damage, scaling of the total ability power he has. Tahm’s Q ability will have a 10% larger AP scaling and will heal him for 2% more than usual. His W ability is getting a 25% AP ratio increase, while his E can store more health and will give him a bigger shield. The biggest changes however are to his ultimate ability. It will now do more damage scaling with his ability power and give him a bigger shield that lasts longer than the previous 2,5 seconds but gradually decays.

Header: Riot Games