Complete LoL Ivern Midscope Rework Breakdown: PBE Ivern LoL Patch Notes 13.11 Changes
The Ivern Midscope Rework planned for lol patch 13.10 got pushed to LoL patch 13.11, and it’s mostly numbers adjustments.

Ivern remains one of the least popular League of Legends characters. But what makes all LoL champions unique is their player base. In this case, Ivern mains voiced their opinions to Riot Games regarding the Ivern Miscope Rework planned for LoL patch 13.10. To implement the changes, Riot Games decided to not include this lol Ivern rework in the current League of Legends patch notes. Instead, the Ivern buffs will be coming to live servers with lol patch 13.11. But they’re already being tested, so here’s all the PBE Ivern changes as a part of the lol Ivern rework.
LoL Patch 13.11 Ivern Midscope Rework Passive Ability Explained
Ivern’s passive ability is called Friend of the Forest. This separated Ivern from most LoL Champions for multiple reasons. His buff-sharing mechanic enabled his supportive playstyle on Summoners Rift. But now with this gameplay update, that has been removed from his kit. Don’t worry, this is not a specific Ivern nerf. Riot Games is doing this because all junglers can share buffs starting from LoL patch 13.11.

The rest of Ivern’s passive ability remains the same as on live servers. The LoL patch 13.10 PBE Ivern rework was supposed to increase his mana and health costs for using his passive. But those changes have been removed. This gameplay update was also supposed to feature an increase in Ivern’s auto-attack range. From 475 to 525, but this change was also removed after Ivern mains gave PBE feedback.
LoL Patch 13.11 Ivern Midscope Rework Q Spell Ability Explained
This LoL Ivern midscope update features some interesting ability changes. Ivern’s Q spell is called Rootcaller. It can now be used in multiple ways and with other ability synergies. On live servers, once Ivern hits a Rootcaller on enemy LoL champions, he and his allies can dash to the rooted enemy while it is rooted. Allies would stop at their auto attack range, while Ivern would get within 125 units.

This has now been changed so Ivern can use Rootcaller as a disengage tool. Instead of 125, Ivern will now dash to his auto-attack range, which is still 475. That happens if he auto-attacks on the rooted enemy. If he casts his Q ability again, he will dash onto the rooted enemy. This gives the new LoL Ivern rework a lot more flexibility, which should help him in high elo play. His Q spell will now also refund 50% of its cooldown if Ivern roots a jungle monster. This is a new change coming to the PBE Ivern Midscope on LoL patch 13.11, which wasn’t announced previously. The range of the Q ability has also been increased from 1100 units to 1150. LoL Patch 13.11 Ivern Miscope Rework W Spell Ability Explained
LoL Patch 13.11 Ivern Midscope Rework W Spell Ability Explained
Ivern’s Brushmaker W spell has received some massive QoL changes. Instead of having a 40-second recharge timer, Ivern’s bushes will now recharge every 20 seconds. These bushes will last up to 45 seconds. But if Ivern’s team loses vision of them or inside them for 1 second, they are gone. Placing a ward inside Ivern bushes when trying to secure objective control will be a big part of this gameplay update.

The bushes will now also give Ivern bonus on-hit damage scaling of ability power while he is inside them and for 3 seconds after he leaves them. This also applies to his ultimate ability Daisy. Ivern’s allies within his W cast range will also receive the on-hit buff, but it will last just 1,5 seconds. With this gameplay update, the new PBE Ivern LoL rework can turn him from a support jungler, to a laner. These bushes will last a lot longer closer to towers, making these Ivern buffs something all Ivern mains can appreciate.
LoL Patch 13.11 Ivern Midscope Rework E Ability Explained
If no one damages the target Ivern has shielded with his E spell Trigersed, the shield will double its duration. The same happens if the shield burst doesn’t damage an enemy. This means that Ivern can now shield his ADCs for 4 seconds instead of 2, with just one button. The shield amount and damage have been lowered to compensate, as well as having a bigger cooldown.

The big thing here is that these shields have great interaction with the new support items coming on LoL patch 13.10. Not only are they cheaper and more affordable for Ivern. But they also apply all effects, making the gold spent even more valuable. While these ability changes don’t shake up the Ivern champion spotlight too much, the new items will change his jungle path and play style. The LoL Ivern rework also brings some new ability power scalings, making an AP build Ivern LoL possible.
LoL Patch 13.11 Ivern Midscope Rework Ultimate Ability Daisy
Unfortunately, Daisy will not be receiving the changes planned with LoL patch 13.10. She was supposed to receive a massive overhaul. But these LoL patch 13.11 Ivern changes are straight-up Ivern buffs. The Dev team at Riot Games has already announced that they are planning a CGU for Ivern, similar to the one Aurelion Sol received.
These PBE Ivern rework changes will come to live servers on Thursday, June 1, 2023. That’s when LoL patch 13.11 goes live according to the LoL patch notes schedule. That’s when all Ivern mains will be able to access the LoL Ivern Rework. We are not sure if these Ivern changes will affect the Ivern runes choice but if they do, we will make sure to create a complete LoL Ivern jungle guide.