Top 10 Broken LoL Champions with Echoes of Helia
Echoes of Helia is the new LoL Mythic item for support champions, but many League of Legends champions are making good use of it.

To understand how this list is created, you need to understand how Echoes of Helia works. Echoes of Helia requires you to damage an enemy champion in order to collect a Soul Shard. When you heal or shield your allies, these shards are consumed to provide additional healing to allies while damaging nearby enemy champions. If this sounds familiar to older League of Legends players, it’s because we used to have an item that did this. Athene’s Unholy Grail, which was removed with the season 10 item rework, used to provide a similar passive. It used to generate stacks based on the amount of damage dealt and heal additionally for that amount. Echoes of Helia collects stacks regardless of the amount of damage done, but its important to trigger it in multiple sequences.
Echoes of Helia level scaling
— Fullclear Titan (@_Aribo_) June 1, 2023
Why is Echoes of Helia good?
Given that this item is designed for the champions in the support class, the main goal is to generate as many stacks as possible, from a safe distance. Since there is no cooldown on the item, champions that use it have to be effective at doing this, otherwise, other mythic items might be more optimal. The item’s unique mythic passive gives additional ability power for every 25% bonus mana regeneration. With almost every support item giving bonus mana regenerations after the LoL patch 13.10 support item adjustments, Echoes of Helia LoL also scales much better as the game goes on. It gives more ability power than other mythic items for support champions, which in turn makes their shields, heals, and all other boosts more effective.

10. Font of Life and Echoes of Helia combo
At number 10 we have the honorable mentions. These are all LoL champions that can somewhat reliable abuse the interaction between the Font of Life LoL rune and the new support mythic item called Echoes of Helia. We won’t dive too deep into this since any champion whose abilities can slow or stun will activate the item with this rune. Most of these champions are not suited for the support role until they get 2 items, which is fairly hard to do as a support champion. These include Ashe, Swain LoL, Viktor, and a few more. We will definitely do a separate article covering this specific Ashe build, since it’s the one that has the most potential to become popular, so stay tuned.
Echoes of Helia Morg may be viable, idk.
— Mannus (@TheMannus) June 5, 2023
09. Lux build support with Echoes of Helia
Lux from LoL is a symbol of this game, both in the mid-lane and the support role. Not only does Lux League of Legends have the most LoL skins of any champion, but she also has a devoted player base in multiple LoL roles. Before LoL patch 13.10 most Lux support players built damage items. Only at higher ranks was a W max Lux seen, with an appropriate Lux support build composed of support items. But since Echoes of Helia has been introduced, many Lux support players are trying it.

The win rate is nearly identical to her 2 most common LoL mythic items in the support role, but this item makes support Lux build even more impactful. All of Lux abilities do damage from long range, meaning that Lux can easily farm Echoes of Helia stacks. And every time she shields a teammate, those stacks will be consumed to heal them. This unlocks a new aspect of Lux support, which goes beyond shielding your entire team in team fights. Everything that makes Lux support is still here, now you just add a bit of sustain to your team.
08. Bard build Echoes of Helia
You might be surprised, but Bard LoL is having a great time building Echoes of Helia. At the moment, it’s his most common LoL mythic item with a 53% win rate. The other more traditional options like Shurelya’s Battlesong and Locket of the Iron Solari have a marginally better win rate, but a lower play rate. They also have long fixed cooldowns on their LoL items active, while Echoes of Helia can be used multiple times. LoL Bard can easily get stacks by using his Q ability and his passive-empowered auto attacks. Enemies can rarely retaliate to this poke, while Bard can help his teammates by healing them with his W ability.

This gives Bard a lot more sustain, especially in extended stand-offs prior to crucial team fights. He can also combine it with Imperial Mandate LoL, for even more pesky gameplay. Of course, there will be times when the shield from Locket will be more valuable. If the enemy has a fed Karthus LoL or something else that does AOE burst damage. Shurelya’s Battlesong will be better in situations where your team needs to make or avoid an engage, so build accordingly to the team composition and game state.
07. Soraka build Echoes of Helia
Soraka LoL is one of the best users in the game of the reworked Moonstone Renewer LoL. The low cooldown on her W ability and the ability for substantial heals makes this a great pairing. But while the difference in win rate is less than 1%, Echoes of Helia LoL is much stronger early in the game. Soraka naturally wants to stack Echoes of Helia and her health by using her Q ability. This means that most LoL Soraka players will put 3 points into their Q ability before maxing W.

That means that by the time the laning phase is over and team fights are breaking out, Soraka won’t get that much value out of LoL Moonstone Renewer. Echoes of Helia has a better win rate up to the 27-minute mark. This means that if you are playing in higher ranks where games are shorter, Echoes of Helia on Soraka is probably the best Soraka build.
06. Echoes of Helia on LoL Annie support
When Annie received major adjustments on LoL patch 13.03 it quickly made her one of the best mid-lane League of Legends champions. Being able to shield her teammates was what pushed her into the LoL support role, as it built upon her great burst damage and crowd control. But what made Annie League of Legends even stronger was the addition of Echoes of Helia. Annie can farm plenty Echoes of Helia stacks with her Q and W abilities. She then consumes those stacks to heal her teammates by shielding them with her E ability. If enemies attack her shielded ally, they take additional damage, granting Echoes of Helia stacks.

Having no cooldown on the item is a major bonus. Especially when you consider that every instance of damage coming from her ultimate ability Tibbers, also grants her stacks. This makes this Annie build one of the best users of this new League item, sporting a 56% win rate when building Echoes of Helia in the support role. This is her best mythic item in the support role, so make sure to abuse it before it gets eventually nerfed.
05. Seraphine build Echoes of Helia
A champion that can make an impact in multiple roles using Echoes of Helia is Seraphine League of Legends. You can play her in the bot lane as a support or carry champion, as well as in the mid lane. Outside of the LoL support role, most players have been building Liandry’s Anguish LoL. But Echoes of Helia is 900 gold cheaper and offers great utility. She has a lot of range on her Q and E spells, as well as having an empowered passive auto attack. All of these including her ultimate ability, can generate Echoes of Helia stacks from a comfortable distance.

The only way Seraphine LoL can consume these stacks is with her W ability. This might seem suboptimal, but since it heals and shields, you can consume both Echoes of Helia stacks with one ability usage. The goal here is to maximize the W ability second. Combining this with a lot of ability haste that most new LoL support items grant and you have an unbeatable death ball team composition. Following up with Imperial Mandate in the Seraphine build support is a great way to guarantee your team the win since LoL Seraphine can apply it with multiple abilities. Enemies will hate to see you provide so much value with items that are so cheap, but champion selection is also a part of the game.
04. Nami LoL using Echoes of Helia
There is a major disclaimer when it comes to the Nami build on this list. Most of the time when LoL Nami is picked, she is paired up with Lucian LoL. Both those champions plan on winning the League of Legends game by dominating in the early stages. This combo is very powerful with a lead and up to 3 LoL items, so snowballing is a priority. To achieve this, Nami needs to build Imperial Mandate LoL as her first item. Despite it not being a mythic item, it still has great synergy with Nami. Especially when she is paired with LoL Lucian.

This gives her the massive burst potential everyone associates with this combo, and since it’s cheaper now and gives more ability power, it’s a no-brainer. Building Echoes of Helia LoL as the second item on this Nami build is the correct play. She can farm stacks every time the ally she uses her E ability on damages an enemy. She can get even more Echoes of Helia stacks with her W ability, and use them at the same time by healing her allies. Her ultimate and Q Nami abilities also generate Echoes of Helia stacks, but that’s only when you want to be aggressive.
03. Sona build support Echoes of Helia
Sona LoL is one of the best-designed support champions in League of Legends, so it’s no wonder she can thrive with any LoL support item. She can very easily generate 2 stacks on Echoes of Helia LoL using her Q and empowered auto attack. And she can use them instantly with her W ability. Since Echoes of Helia doesn’t have a cooldown and almost all LoL support items give LoL Sona ability haste, she can spam her ability off cooldown and generate a lot of value.

Echoes of Helia has a 3,5% higher win rate on Sona than Shurelya’s Battlesong LoL, and up to 10% when compared to the newly reworked Moonstone Renewer LoL. This is insane to think about, given how well that item fit her before patch 13.10. With how easily Sona can generate and spend Echoes of Helia stack, expect her to be overpowered in LoL ranked queues for a long time.
02. Build Janna with Echoes of Helia
You might be surprised to see Janna LoL this high on this list. But that’s probably because you don’t remember how good was Janna with Athene’s Unholy Grail. LoL Janna wins 5,5% more games when she builds Echoes of Helia rather than any other mythic support item. You might think that Shurelya’s Battlesong is the right choice, but Janna already has movement speed. What she lacks outside of her ultimate ability is sustainability. Granted, she is not the best champion at farming Echoes of Helia stacks. Her signature Q ability, Janna Tornado, takes a while to ramp up and is not a guaranteed hit. Meanwhile using her empowered W ability puts her in harm’s way. But you need to understand how Janna works as a League of Legends champion.

She is the queen of disengage, and that’s when the healing from Echoes of Helia gives the most value. She can prevent engages with Q, W, and her ultimate ability, acquiring Echoes of Helia stacks. Which she can use at the exact same moment, by shielding her ally with her E ability and giving him even more sustain and protection with her ultimate ability. This Janna build also has great ability power scalings, giving her allies bigger shields on her E ability, a stronger slow, and a bigger movement speed boost on her W ability. Not only does she love the LoL mythic passive, but she also makes great use of Imperial Mandate LoL, which is now a legendary item. With these 2 items, Janna takes over the game, without anyone even noticing it.
01. Yuumi with Echoes of Helia
The best user of the new mythic support item Echoes of Helia is the reworked Yuumi LoL. Her Q ability has a massive range. And since she doesn’t have to jump out now to use her passive ability, she can safely poke at all times. She can safely farm Echoes of Helia stacks and use them with every other ability. Her newly reworked passive ability, her new E, and her reworked ultimate ability will all add additional healing.

Since her ultimate ability does damage and heals, she can continuously farm and use Echoes of Helia stacks. And they won’t be used on one ally, but on everyone under her waves. When compared to other LoL mythic support item options, Echoes of Helia on Yuumi is better by 6% than the rest. That number jumps even higher if the game lasts longer than 30 minutes. Make sure to permaban Yuumi once again to avoid the trouble.