Statikk Shiv LeBlanc build
This Statikk Shiv LeBlanc build has made it to professional play within a week. so it's probably worth a look.

Statikk Shiv LeBlanc and on any other mage that auto attacks is broken. You don’t have to believe me, just load up in a ranked game. With this build LeBlanc is transformed from one of the most difficult champions in the game, to an elo machine. But before you can jump in and abuse this trend, you need to know what makes it strong. In this Statikk Shiv LeBlanc guide, we’ll dive into the details.
get statikk shiv'd
— LEC (@LEC) June 17, 2023
Why is Statikk Shiv LeBlanc good?
The Statikk Shiv LeBlanc build is a bit different from traditional LeBlanc builds. Since her inception in League of Legends, LeBlanc has maintained her playstyle. She received some changes in the Season 7 Assassins Rework, but other than that, she’s been the same LoL champion since 2010. She has always prioritized single target burst damage in order to eliminate key targets before fights even start. But that has always come at the cost of her wave clear potential, until now.

By incorporating the revamped Statikk Shiv LoL item into her build, LeBlanc now gets to retain her burst potential while adding wave clear. If LeBlanc LoL doesn’t have to use her abilities to clear the wave, she becomes one of the best LoL champions in ranked solo queues. And in this guide, we will show you how to properly abuse the new Statikk Shiv LeBlanc build.
Statikk Shiv LeBlanc Interaction Explained
You are probably wondering how this works. Why is Statikk Shiv good on LeBlanc? After all, Statikk Shiv has always been an item meant for ADC champions. It gives attack damage, attack speed and critical strike chance. None of those categories are used well by LeBlanc. She is a burst mage assassin that relies on magic penetration and proper utility usage to eliminate key targets. Well, leave to Riot Games to break League of Legends.

LoL patch 13.10 ADC item changes saw Statikk Shiv reintroduced in League of Legends. The item was meant to provide ADC champions with a bit more build diversity. But only Riot Games would be stupid enough to put ability power scalings on an ADC item. In short, the Electroshock passive, which makes Statikk Shiv good, scales of ability power. And no other champions needed this more than LeBlanc.
Statikk Shiv LeBlanc Runes
Since we are not using the traditional LeBlanc build, we won’t be using traditional LeBlanc runes. Statikk Shiv might be a great item on LeBlanc. But only after it’s completed. Before that point, LeBlanc is even weaker than usual. This is where the proper rune choice comes into play.
Instead of playing LeBlanc as a burst assassin in the early game, you should utilize her as a poke champion. Here is the rune setup that will allow you to do that.
Fleet Footwork will be your primary rune choice. This might not make a lot of sense but stick with us. This rune has been getting nothing but buffs for the last 15 months. And the rune synergises greatly with Statikk Shiv. After all they share the same Energized passive. Meaning, you will activate both instances of damage at the same time. This rune also gives LeBlanc some much needed sustain. Which is great, because she has no other options.

Presence of Mind LoL will be your next choice. This rune should help you out with mana issues in the early game. This is necessary since you will be rushing Statikk Shiv. Not an item that contains the Lost Chapter component. Continued mana regeneration also fits the new playstyle, where you will be poking most of the time.
You can opt for Legend: Alacrity or Tenacity depending on the matchup. Personally, I like Alacrity more because it helps with CSing and dishing out damage. With this LeBlanc build, your auto attacks are a very important source of damage.
Secondary LeBlanc Runes
Lastly, you will want to take Coup De Grace LoL. This rune is great for burst champions like LeBlanc. But it is especially helpful with this build, where you might lack the damage to finish off low health targets. With it you can score a few easy takedowns that should help you snowball.
For your secondary rune page, there are a flurry of choices. Players in higher ranks prefer the LoL Sorcery tree for more lane pressure. Runes like Manaflow Band and Scorch LoL give them more mana sustain in lane and poke damage. But we would recommend a different setup. Magical Footwear and Future’s Market are the runes with the best win rate. And it’s for a good reason. LeBlanc is one of the most mobile champions in League of Legends. That’s why she doesn’t need to purchase boots early on.
People catching on….
— Veigarv2 (@Veigar_v2) June 18, 2023
Harvester is best mythic by far for statikk shiv LB.
Saving that 300 gold also helps her rush Statikk shiv faster. Future’s Market also aids the same cause. If you start the game with a Long Sword and Refillable pot, you already have a head start. With Statikk Shiv costing 3000 gold, that’s already 2650 gold needed. With boots and Future’s Market, you should complete Statikk Shiv before the 10 minute mark.
Statikk Shiv LeBlanc Build
After completing Statikk Shiv, you should focus on building items that give LeBlanc ability power. This is because both her abilities and the Statikk Shiv passive do more damage with ability power. The complete Statikk Shiv LeBlanc build should be: Statikk Shiv, Sorcerer’s Shoes, Night Harvester, Rabadon’s Deathcap and Void Staff.
Best Statikk Shiv LeBlanc Items
We already mentioned how Statikk Shiv helps LeBlanc with wave clear. This crit item for ADCs does more damage with ability power, and many mage champions are abusing it. Sorcerer’s Shoes are the standard for burst mages like LeBlanc, Ekko, and Akali. If you need to eliminate a target in one spell rotation, this is your boot choice. For your mythic choice you will want to build Night Harvester. This might sound odd, but hear me out.

Luden’s Echo is better for beginner LeBlanc players. But this LeBlanc build doesn’t need mana. Statikk shiv clear the wave for you. You will have the Presence of Mind rune. Since LoL patch 13.12, every jungler can share buffs. Not just Ivern. So you will always have a blue buff ready to go. And this build relies on poke burst damage. This is what Night Harvester does best. Rabadon’s Deathcap empowers all of your damage with an insane amount of ability power. Meanwhile, Void Staff gives you enough magic penetration in the late game.
Best Statikk Shiv LeBlanc Summoners Spells
This section is fairly simple. Almost every League of Legends champion is balanced around the Flash summoner spell. You will be taking it every game. As for your other summoner spell choice, it only comes down to one question. If you are below Emerald rank in League of Legends, you should be taking Ignite. The reasoning for this is simple. If you knew how to use Teleport properly, you wouldn’t be below that rank.
Humanoid's Statikk Shiv on LeBlanc dealt 6875 damage to champions, which was 32.1% of his total damage dealt that game #LEC
— Renato Perdigão (@Shakarez) June 17, 2023
Players in Diamond rank and above should be taking Teleport every game. Since the impact you can have on the map as the game goes on far outweighs the impact a few kills with Ignite will have.
Best Statikk Shiv LeBlanc Ability Order
Regardless of what LeBlanc build you are opting for, the ability max order stays the same. That’s how Riot Games has balanced this champion for 13 years and we can’t change that. W-Q-E with points in her ultimate ability is the standard. Since Riot recently buffed LeBlanc Q ability to refund mana on minion takedowns, it might be better to max Q first.

Not only will you farm better, but you can turn LeBlanc into a complete poke champion. Q auto and Statikk Shiv for massive amounts of damage.
Best Statikk Shiv LeBlanc Counter
The top lane champions with the best win rate against Statikk Shiv LeBlanc are Maokai, Kayle, Irelia, Malphite and Nasus. Maokai is traditionally one of the best LeBlanc counters because his W ability can follow and crowd control LeBlanc when she goes in. LeBlanc is bad when out ranged, out bursted or crowd controlled. She can’t fight against tanks while Kayle out ranges and outscales her.
In the jungle role, Rek’sai is the champion that can follow LeBlanc and eliminate her. Her ultimate executes and follows targets once casted. Fiddlesticks, Maokai and Evelynn fill similar roles.

In the mid lane, Vex, Akshan, Lissandra, Annie and Malzahar are performing great against LeBlanc. Part of it is the fact that they have reliable crowd control to lock down LeBlanc. Vex can also fear LeBlanc every time she tries to go in.
Samira Kai’sa and Miss Fortune are the ADC champions that have the most success against LeBlanc on this patch. Also any support champion with reliable and fast crowd control absolutely destroys LeBlanc.
Weakest champion against Statikk Shiv LeBlanc
Statikk shiv LeBlanc is great at the moment. Not only is the build overpowered, but she also fairs well against all meta champions. In the top lane, LeBlanc counters K’sante, Yasuo, Yone and Mordekaiser the most.
Jungle role champions like Viego, Sylas, Ekko and Elise can’t do much against Statikk shiv LeBlanc. In the mid lane, Yasuo, Yone, Sylas, Akali are the most common victims of Statikk Shiv LeBlanc.

Most bot lane LoL champions like Caitlyn, Zeri, Lucian and Jinx can’t seem to catch a break against this LeBlanc build. LeBlanc has always been a tough opponent for any ADC champion. But with this build now, not even Maw of Malmortius can help the bot laners.
In the support role, Echoes of Helia Ashe, Yuumi, Brand and Zyra are the worst champions to face against LeBlanc. With unreliable crowd control and not mobility spells, these champions can’t fight against LeBlanc.
Best Statikk Shiv LeBlanc Synergy
Rek’sai and Kindred love playing with Statikk Shiv LeBlanc. These champions love to invade the enemy team jungle. And with LeBlanc’s newfound wave clear, this is now easier than ever. In the top lane, Malphite is having great success alongside LeBlanc. In the bot lane, Miss Fortune, Ashe and Draven are enjoying a lot of success with LeBlanc on their team. Same goes for any support champion.