Font of Life and Echoes of Helia Ashe Support Build
Ashe Support is played twice as much after patch 13.10 introduced the new League item called Echoes of Helia.

Ashe Support is picked in one of every 20 League of Legends games across the globe. The play rate of this playstyle doubled over night with the introduction of Echoes of Helia on LoL patch 13.10. But how many members of the League of Legends community know what makes it special and how to abuse this interaction with the Font of Life rune. Welcome to our Font of Life and Echoes of Helia Ashe Support guide.
Why is Ashe Support good?
Ashe support has been a thing for a few seasons now. Item changes and new meta trends have determined how viable the Ashe support build will be. But in reality, it all boils down to Ashe LoL champion design. Ashe is one of the oldest LoL champions and remains viable in many season 13 League of Legends support tier lists because of the utility her abilities provide.
It all starts with Ashe passive ability called Frost Shot. Every Ashe auto attack slows enemies by 20-30% depending on her level. The only thing more frustrating than a slow and painful death is probably the one without a counter play. Where you die during the duration of the silence crowd control. Looking at all Crit Garen players. Not only does the continuous Ashe slow prevent you from getting away, it also helps layer more crowd control on top of it, ensuring you hate every moment of facing it.

Ashe Q spell isnt really important Ashe support build since you avoid build Ashe ADC items. Where most of the value lies and what makes Ashe LoL one of the best support League of Legends champions on LoL patch 13.12, is her W ability. Like most of Ashe abilities, her W is a very simple yet effective tool enabling multiple builds. A cone of arrows that does physical damage with a radius of 1200 units and applies the passive slow is very powerful. Especially since this Font of Life and Echoes of Helia Ashe Support Build does magic damage and is very spamable. You might have faced variations of AP Ashe supports builds, but this one takes it to another level.
Ashe Support Abilities Explained
Ashe E spell is probably the most powerful ability any LoL ADC champion. Yeah Akshan LoL can revive his entire team and Samira LoL can block crucial engage. But what has made Ashe ADC LoL viable in Riot Games LoL Esports is the information gathering capability of her E ability. Hawkshot is a global ability with an effective radius of 1000 units that reveals everything in its line of sight. And when you play with Font of Life and Echoes of Helia Ashe Support Build brimming with ability haste, it makes Ashe LoL the most fun and best support League of Legends season 13 has to offer.

Ashe LoL ultimate ability the Enchanted Crystal Arrow is something most League of Legends support champions can only wish for. Another ability with global range that can be the longest lasting crowd control effect in League of Legends on par with the empowered Neeko E ability. Not only can Ashe ultimate ability stun enemies for up to 3,5 seconds but it also does 120% of ability power damage according to LoL patch 13.12 notes. This means that AP Ashe support builds like this one will be even more viable.
Font of Life and Echoes of Helia Interaction Explained
To understand why Ashe Support synergy with Font of Life and Echoes of Helia, you need to understand what this LoL rune does and how it interacts with the new League item meant to be a Mythic for support LoL champions.
Font of Life LoL rune is a part of the Resolve tree of masteries in League of Legends. When you equip it, every time you slow or crowd control an enemy champion, this LoL rune marks them for 4 seconds. When ally champions attack the marked enemy with a basic attack, this consumes the mark to heal that ally champion for 5 health + 0,9% of your maximum health. In theory this is a great rune for champions with a lot of crowd control. Top lane LoL tanks and support champions like Leona LoL use it a lot. But since this rune doesnt have a cooldown, Ashe LoL can abuse it to perfection. Shge triggers this rune with every basic attack since it slows. Her Q and W abilities also apply to it, and the same goes for her ultimate ability.
Why do you need Font of Life to make Echoes of Helia work on Ashe support build?
If you have read our best LoL champions with Echoes of Helia article, you will understand the logic. In short, the League Mythic item for support champions called Echoes of Helia LoL is meant to provide damage and sustain. Every time you damage an enemy, it generates a stack, up to two stacks. When you shield or heal an ally, these stacks are consumed to provide an additional heal and apply bonus damage to their attacks. So this is meant to be a great item in LoL for enchanter support champions, who shield and heal a lot. Using Font of Life LoL helps Ashe League of Legends join this company.
Since neither Font of Life nor Echoes of Helia have a cooldown on their effects, with a proper support Ashe build, you can do damage and heal your teammates with every auto attack. As long as your teammates as using auto attacks to detonate the Font of Life mark, your Echoes of Helia will generate stacks and add an additional heal and damage to their attacks.
Echoes of Helia Ashe Support Runes
With this in mind, let’s take a look at the best Ashe support runes. If you are wondering what runes are in League of Legends , well they are enhancements that add new abilities or buffs to the champion. Using the proper League of Legends runes from this Ashe support LoL runes guide will make you a lot more effective.
That’s why all Ashe support players must use Hail of Blades LoL. Thee three consecutive attacks are a lot more valuable when you are using the Ashe support or Ashe ARAM build. Typical build Ashe ADC players choose revolve around attack speed, but this playstyle is very different. Hail of Blades is great in lane and also helps you quickly stack your Echoes of Helia and Ashe Q ability when using this Font of Life and Echoes of Helia Ashe Support Build. The Cheap Shot LoL rune also has great synergy with Ashe passive and Font of Life LoL rune, adding even more damage to each instance.

Zombie Ward LoL rune is great on most support LoL champions, that will naturally prioritize vision control over damage. Even if you are not using the Ashe support AD build with Umbral Glaive LoL, this rune is still viable because of the Sweeping Lens or Oracle Lens changes on LoL patch 13.10. Lastly, you will want to finish up this primary Ashe support rune page with Ultimate Hunter LoL, since this is the greatest tool in her kit and having it on a short cooldown is a major benefit.
Best Ashe Support Rune Shards
For your secondary rune page, you will always choose the Font of Life LoL rune from the Resolve tree since that is what enables this Ashe support build, like we already explained. After that, you can choose any other rune depending on the game and lane matchups but Revitalize LoL will always bring great value. Take attack speed shards, with adaptive force and armor shards. This is the best LoL rune setup for bot lane champions, since you need to be using auto attacks to activate Echoes of Helia Ashe Support Build.
Echoes of Helia Ashe Support Build
When playing this Ashe support build you have to itemize properly. Although most of the power from this Ashe support AP build comes from completing Echoes of Helia, you will want to prioritize buying Ionian boots of Lucidity. As an immobile LoL champion you always need to rush boots on Ashe LoL, regardless if you build Ashe ADC items, Ashe URF build, Ashe ARAM build, or the current Font of Life and Echoes of Helia Ashe Support Build. Not only does she benefit from the extra movement speed in order to space or outrun enemies and dodge abilities. But this Ashe support build also relies on having a lot of ability haste to be useful before the mythic item is completed. These boots also reduce the cooldown on her summoner spells, meaning that there is no other item worth 950 gold giving Ashe support this much value.

You follow it up with Echoes of Helia and Imperial Mandate which is also cheaper now. Imperial Mandate LoL has a 6-second cooldown per target following the LoL patch13.10 support item changes. But if you follow it up with an Ardent Censer LoL and Staff of the Flowing Water LoL, your entire inventory will be full of items without cooldowns. Every team Font of Life will heal your teammate, they will receive these extra buffs.
Best Ashe Support Summoner Spells in LoL S13
There’s only a few LoL champions that can afford to not use the Flash summoner spell. And Ashe LoL is not one of them, since she is a part of the original 2009 LoL champs. We already mentioned that Ashe is immobile, and once she mispositions, its basically game over. Especially in the support lol role, where she will be down in levels and experience to almost everyone is the game.
Having Flash is a must in those scenarios. But you also must use the Exhaust summoner spell, especially on LoL patch 13.11. It was the Ghostblade LoL meta and now it’s the Duskblade LoL meta. With multiple jungle role LoL champions abusing lethality items, it’s no wonder Ashe support win rate is so low. Use Exhaust to prevent burst damage and give yourself a chance to use the Font of Life and Echoes of Helia Ashe Support Build.

Best Ashe Support abilities order in LoL s13
To make the best use of this build, you can’t autopilot when leveling up your abilities. Volley or Ashe W ability is the most consistent source of applying this build. That’s why you will maximize this ability first and buy so much ability haste. Up next you will scale E and finish out with Q and Ultimate ability whenever available.
Best Ashe Support counters in LoL s13
At the moment, Ashe support is not seeing a lot of success. The tanks, bruisers and juggernauts in the top lane lika Malphite LoL, Darius LoL, K’sante LoL and Jax LoL all make it hard for immobile ADC LoL champions to play the game. The jungle is filled with assassins like Kha’zix LoL, Graves LoL, Kayn LoL and Lee Sin, who all do way too much burst damage on top of being highly mobile.
Every popular mid-lane champion that isn’t a mage, excluding Ahri and Syndra, also does great against Ashge support. In the bot lane, highly mobile ADC LoL champions like Jhin lol, Ezreal lol, Lucian lol and Zeri lol also excel when facing an Ashe support. In the support role, Milio LoL continues to be beyond overpowered, every other Echoes of Helia abuser is stronger and all engage supports can abuse the low-mobility Ashe.

Weakest champion against Ashe Support
Immobile top lane LoL champions like Gangplank LoL, Sett LoL, Rumble LoL all struggle against the range and zone control Font of Life and Echoes of Helia Ashe Support can target them. Jungle LoL champions like Shyvana LoL, Neeko jungle and Karthus LoL all have lower win rates when facing Ashe support.
Mid lane LoL champions like Ryze LoL, Tistana LoL and Galio LoL have a hard time playing League of Legends against the crowd control, sustain, poke and slows Ashe support can provide.
Short-range ADC champions like Kalista lol and Kai’sa LoL have a miserable time in the bot lane when facing Ashe support. Immobile support LoL champions like Morgana LoL, Swain LoL and Pantheon LoL all struggle against Ashe support. They all rely on burst damage and have long cooldowns, while this Ashe builds provides sustain, consistent damage and a lot of crowd control they can’t respond to.

Best ADC with Ashe Support Synergy
In the bot lane, Ashe support is having a great time playing with Ziggs ADC and Karthus ADC. in the mid lane, Swain and Anivia enjoy having an Ashe support on whose engage they can follow up with even more crowd control.
Junglers like Poppy and Rammus also love doing the same. At the same time, top laners that don’t provide any crowd control like Quinn LoL, Volibear LoL and Mundo LoL thrive playing alongside Font of Life and Echoes of Helia Ashe Support.