Complete list of Runnan’s Hurricane interactions
The Runnan's Hurricane League of Legends item has been a core piece of many ADC item builds throughout the years.

Runnan’s Hurricane is one of the oldest items in League of Legends. The passive of the item has stayed pretty much the same throughout its existence, giving it its uniqueness. We are now midway through season 13 of League of Legends, and this game is more dynamic than ever. If the last 3 LoL patches didn’t prove that already. So it’s time we take a look at how this iconic item interacts with the game today.
ADC champions interactions with Runnan’s Hurricane
- Akshan
- Secondary Auto Attacks also fire bolts
- bolts apply and proc 3-hit passive
- Caitlyn
- The passive applies to all range modifiers on W and E abilities.
- No longer stacks headshots faster. That interaction has been removed.
- Ezreal
- Q causes bolts to fire on impact.
- Jhin
- Bolts mark targets for W spell passive.
- Bolts do NOT ramp damage towards 4th shot.
- Kindred
- Bolts can proc E spell.
- Vayne
- You need to hit only one target to trigger W. Runnan’s Hurricane will fire additional 2 bolts of damage but they won’t apply your W passive.
- Teemo
- Bolts apply E Poison.
- Lucian
- His Lightslinger passive fires additional bolts with a weirdly long delay which is extremely inconvenient to use properly.
- Quinn
- Bolts will proc Harrier marks.
- Miss Fortune
- Her Q ability triggers Runaan’s Hurricane passive, but the bolts only fire at the targets in the direction you’re facing when Q hits its first target. Which is not really useful.
- Runaan’s does NOT apply the Love-Tap passive ability.
- Samira
- Melee auto attacks still fire bolts.
- Bolts trigger passive even if you attack non-champions.
- Xayah
- Each Bolt also fires a Secondary Shot when W is active (looks cool as hell)
- Bolts will NOT shoot piercing feathers
- Tristana
- Runaan’s bolts extend with proportionally with her passive range
- Runaan’s fires bolts when you use E
- Bolts do not apply passive explosion, which would be the best wave clear in the game. Something like Statikk Shiv.
- Kayle
- Item Passive is disabled until level 6. Bolts do not modify. You essentially just have a wave + 2 bolts. DO NOT BUY THIS ITEM ON KAYLE.
Best ADC champions with Runnan’s Hurricane
- Jinx
- Bolts modify her auto attacks to apply Q spell AoE damage. This makes Jinx one of the best users of the item and increases her hyper-carry potential tremendously.
- Kai’sa
- Bolts apply and detonate passive Plasma stacks.
- Bolts mark champions for your ultimate. Kai’sa is also a good user of this item, but only if you are hitting more than 2 frontline champions. Otherwise, other items are just better for her.
- Kalista
- Bolts stack spears on all targets. Can be used to reset her Rend E ability multiple times. One of the best Kalista items in the game.
- Kog’Maw
- Bolts apply the bonus damage on his W ability. Since it does a percentage of the target’s maximum health, this is a great item for Kog’maw. This is what has made him one of the best hyper-carry champions in League of Legends since season 4.
- Twitch
- Bolts apply the Twitch poison passive.
- Chances of Q reset are increased.
- His ultimate also benefits from Runnan’s Hurricane bolts, making it one of the strongest team-fighting abilities with insane AOE potential.
- Varus
- Bolts apply Blight stacks to each target. Each champion or monster target that dies with bolts applied enables Varus passive. These stacks can also be consumed with his W and Q abilities. Great item for on-hit Varus builds.
- Zeri
- Bolts fire on Q spell impact.
- Targets standing behind a primary target can be hit with empowered Q AND Bolts.
- One of the best Zeri items since bolts also increase bounce range on her ultimate ability.
Aphelios, Senna and Ashe Runnan’s Hurricane Interaction explained
- Aphelios
- Applies on Calibrum (Sniper rifle) Bonus auto attack range.
- The range is extended on Calibrum Q hits.
- Slows and roots up to 3 targets with Gravitum (Purple-slow gun).
- Multiples Severum (Red gun) self-heal, you heal for the damage of each bolt.
- Infernum (Blue gun) AOE attacks add Runnan’s additional bolts.
- Does NOT replicate Crescendum stacks (White gun).
- Ashe
- Applies Frost Shot (Ashe passive ability).
- When Ashe Q spell is activated, each of the 2 Runaan bolts will instead be a flurry of 5 bolts, distributed evenly among targets. It’s limited to a maximum of 5 bolts per target, and each target will only be affected by on-hot effects once. But they will give 5 Black Cleaver stacks since that passive is triggered upon dealing physical damage, not on-hit effects.
- The bolts use the same modified damage as her Q. This means that having Infinity Edge doesn’t increase your damage output by 20% per bolt. They do 21-25% based on rank soo it is still hindered by the cold steel effect, but otherwise, the flurry is stronger than the normal bolt.
- Senna
- Bolts apply passive on-hit bonus damage.
- Each bolt resets her Q ability cooldown.
- Bolts fire every time she uses her Q ability.
- Bolts can proc and collect passive stacks on champions.
- Picking up a Stack from the ground fires bolts at nearby enemies.
- Senna is a really underrated Runnan’s Hurricane user.
Non-Marksman Champions Runnan’s Hurricane Interaction explained
- Azir
- Soldier’s attacks do not trigger Runann’s.
- Bard
- Bolts do not trigger additional Meeps.
- Bolts do not interact with your passive in any way.
- Ivern
- Bolts apply W passive for as long as you’re standing in a bush.
- Neeko
- Hitting 3 bolts will instantly stack and proc W passive.
- Your empowered auto attacks are instant, meaning that you can reliably hit them
- Orianna
- Bolts apply Orianna’s passive on-hit, thus preventing Orianna from stacking it.

- Twisted Fate
- Bolts will instantly stack 3 stacks of E
- When using his W ability, Runnan’s will fire bolts in the direction TF was facing before selecting an attack target.
- Bolts do not apply W or E ability effects. You can’t Gold card stun the entire enemy team.
- Seraphine
- Seraphine can’t extend Runaan’s attack range with her passive because her bonus range disappears before Runaans is called on in the code. She’s the only champ in the game with that bug.
- Vex
- Buying Runaan’s Hurricane on Vex completely breaks the game and de-synchs your passive with what you can see on the screen, making it completely random when champions are feared or marked.
- Runaan’s Hurricane bolts still collect Vex Passive marks to instantly skip the passive cooldown if the game doesn’t break when you do it.
Other LoL Items Runnan’s Hurricane Interactions explained
- Rapid Fire Cannon
- Bolts extend with empowered attacks
- Statikk Shiv
- Runaan’s Hurricane bolts CAN trigger chain lightning, but only the first bolt that hits something.
- Black Cleaver
- Runaan’s Hurricane bolts reduce armor on every target.
- Serpent’s Fang:
- Bolts reduce shields on every target. Senna support can build any item in the game.
- Death’s Dance
- Chances of Healing on-takedown are increased. But the item is really bad on ranged champions.
- Titanic Hydra & Ravenous Hydra
- Runaan’s Hurricane bolts trigger both Cleave AoE effects. Most recent example was the Titanic Hydra Zeri build.
- Trinity Force
- Bolts stack Trinity Force faster
- Night Harvester:
- Bolts proc Night Harvester on every target
- Heartsteel
- Bolts proc Heartsteel on every target
Runnan’s Hurricane Anti-Synergies with LoL items
- Any Spellblade item
- Despite being on-hit, Bolts do NOT apply the Spellblade passive.
- Dead Man’s Plate
- Runaan’s Hurricane will completely cancel the effect of Dead Man’s Plate.
- Echoes of Helia
- Runaan’s Hurricane will NOT grant extra Soul Shards despite what it clearly states in the item description…
Runnan’s Hurricane Synergies with LoL Runes
- Presence of Mind
- Electrocute
- Dark Harvest
- Phase Rush
- Summon Aery
- Grasp of the Undying
- Shield bash
- Runaan’s Hurricane bolts CAN apply shield bash, but only on the first target that was hit, making it less reliable. This rune actually gets worse when you buy Runaan’s Hurricane.